Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)

我们的员工是我们组织最重要的资产,也是我们能够与客户保持紧密联系的原因. 以同样的方式,这些人利用他们的才能和创新思维来促进我们的产品和关系的积极成果, 当他们朝着我们的目标努力时,他们会带来创造力和解决问题的能力 二十by30 程序. It is our duty to not only safeguard their safety, health and well- being at all times, 但我们要一直寻找方法来改善我们的工作环境,提高人们对我们设施的舒适度和信任度.

Bettering Our Workplace Conditions

营造良好的工作环境源于对员工的意识培养和培训. Health and safety requirements are integrated into every process, procedure and system of the Company. 我们还努力向公司各级员工灌输正确的积极心态, from senior leadership to plant professionals.

致力于安全的工作场所环境也意味着以零工伤为目标. To work toward that target, we continually review, evaluate and invest in improving our processes, 程序, technology and training 程序s. 这包括补充我们对行业标准指标的使用,如可记录的病例率,以及更具前瞻性的指标,如员工对安全的参与度, near-miss investigations and hazard recognition.

我们的全面安全文化支持每位员工,并超越基本要求,实现卓越的安全. We empower employees to practice careful observation, 保持积极主动的行为和态度,并发现实施更强有力的工作实践的机会. We also encourage continuous discussion around safety issues with peers, with the goal of informing decision-making, correcting unsafe behaviors and reducing incidents, injuries and near-misses.


  • 支持ing every 云顶集团糖果游戏 location through our Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) organizations—including manufacturing plants, corporate offices, 研究 & Development facilities and Centers of Excellence—in meeting or exceeding regulatory requirements and Company standards; focusing on safety training, increasing safety awareness, safety audits, healthcare and more
  • 启动SAFE(员工安全意识)行为观察项目, resulting in thousands of peer- to-peer safety observations
  • 审核每个皇冠工厂,以识别和纠正潜在的环境或安全危害和责任, 通过在线平台帮助确保持续改进和跟踪纠正措施
  • 在皇冠的每个地点为受薪员工和小时工举办安全研讨会
  • Mandating a job hazard analysis at each site for every significant task, 制定安全作业程序,根据安全检查表审核每项新工艺和采购
  • 为与云顶集团糖果游戏合作的承包商和第三方供应商制定严格的安全要求
  • Implementing a 程序 to monitor contractor safety, 其中包括承包商安全管理的培训和操作指南
  • 提供人体工程学训练,以减少和消除肌肉骨骼疾病
  • Implementing an accident/injury investigation system, including near-misses, 检查根本原因并确定潜在的短期和长期纠正措施
  • Ensuring all plants have and follow emergency action plans

Hazard Management

识别和减少工作场所的潜在风险是我们在各个工厂维护安全承诺的一个特别关键的部分. 通过一个全面的管理系统,我们能够充满信心地运作,并向员工保证我们优先考虑他们的福祉.

As part of this monitoring process, regular hazard recognition training is conducted at our plants, 其中包括对我们控制层级的适当结构和协议的教育. 在工厂层面上,对任何已知危害的识别和纠正也要进行管理, with any hazards reported through the Company’s health & safety management software. Corrective actions are tracked and shared across the division.

To identify hazards, 我们的许多团队进行风险评估(RAs)或工作危害分析(JHAs),涵盖每个操作程序的各个方面. 这些评估考虑了团队确定的所有危险,并包括对每个潜在危险的伴随控制. If an opportunity for improvement is identified, 直到实施新的控制措施,评估才被认为是完成的. In the event of an incident, RAs/ JHAs are considered as part of the investigation process, 公司的健康和安全管理软件记录所有细节并监督案件进展. Investigations for recordable incidents are supported by central H&如果不确定在层次结构中尽可能地提升,则S管理和纠正措施将受到挑战. 所有站点都会在季度回顾中分享改进和行动,如果特别严重,还会发出安全警报.

RA流程由工厂EHS协调员管理,他在某些地区可能持有一个 National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) Diploma or equivalent qualification. 该人员帮助将胜任的风险评估工作与该区域的胜任人员结合起来,以确保适当地识别所有危害和控制措施. Through this regular oversight, our teams are able to implement improvements in controls, as well as introduce or improve Safe Systems of Work.

我们的目标是促进员工更积极的参与,以更好地鼓励合规. 在欧洲, for example, we are planning to launch near-miss and hazard reporting campaigns in 2023, which will offer rewards rather than reprisals. 我们还在各个领域继续进行入职和更新EHS培训, 帮助员工了解如何对迫在眉睫的危险发出警报并启动紧急反应小组. 公司各部门进行内部审核,并保持各种认证. 例如,皇冠在美国、加拿大和欧洲、中东和非洲的每一家饮料厂都经历过 Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) audits under Sedex, 其中包括与随机抽样的员工进行私人面谈,如果报告有任何报复行为,应触发重大不符合. 公司在所有实施这些流程的工厂中保持积极的分数.

Hierarchy of Controls

In alignment with this management structure, our organization maintains a specific safety hierarchy of controls:

See long description.